Nicole Mann

Nicole Mann, a Trailblazing Astronaut’s Journey to the Stars

In the realm of space exploration, some individuals defy limits and inspire generations with their unwavering

Celebrating National Indigenous Peoples Day

On this National Indigenous Peoples Day, communities across Canada come together to celebrate the rich and

A Monument of Healing and Remembrance on Parliament Hill

In a significant step towards acknowledging the tragic legacy of residential schools, the Canadian government has

Indigenous Artist Creates Monument Honoring Afghanistan's Cultural Heritage

An Indigenous artist has undertaken a remarkable endeavour to commemorate Afghanistan’s rich cultural heritage through a

Honouring Treaty rights

In a significant move towards reconciliation and acknowledging the importance of Indigenous languages, municipal governments in

Paving the Path to Indigenous Self-Government in Ontario

In a significant step towards reconciliation, the province of Ontario in Canada has introduced legislation that

Secwépemc leader George Manuel honoured with a Canada Post stamp

George Manuel, a prominent Secwepemc leader and advocate for Indigenous rights, is recognized and honoured by

Building Bridges of Reconciliation Through Student Collaboration

In a remarkable display of unity and reconciliation, students from diverse backgrounds in Montreal have come

Wilton Littlechild hopes to discuss a formal apology during meeting with Pope Francis at the Vatican

Wilton Littlechild of Ermineskin Cree Nation in Alberta is hoping the head of the Catholic Church will soon apologize

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